Breastfeed101: The First Five Days

Breastfeeding at its early stage is nothing but a learning process both for you and your little one. It requires a lot of patience and willingness to embrace this new beautiful process between mom and child. And since it will all be such a new experience, we will be journeying with you in the first five days! Here is your Day 1 to 5 Guide to Breastfeeding!
Day 1. On the next 2 to 20 hours after birth, babies will just be sleepy. It's very likely that he won't be interested to breastfeed at all. But in essence, a baby should feed at least 8 times during that very day! A mom hack to make this possible is the good old skin-to-skin technique. Place your baby naked on your warm chest so your baby (and you) can wake up your feeding and nursing instincts together. Don't only do this on Day 1! Do this for the next few days until your baby gets used to the whole process.
Day 2. Latching on and sucking are surprisingly not natural skills. Your baby won't know this by default. They are something that he should learn during the early stage of breastfeeding. While Day 1 is a totally new experience, Day 2 should be a little bit easier. During this day, your baby will start waking and showing signs that he wants to feed.
When this happens, help them learn how to latch. First, make sure your baby's chin is positioned onto your chest. Then, tickle his lips with your nipple. This will be their cue to open their mouth. After that, aim your nipple above his top lip while moving his lower lip away. By this time, his lips should be turning outward like fish. It's by this time that your baby will then latch onto your breast, tongue extended.
When all else fails, it's okay! Just put a clean finger in your baby's mouth to start a fresh latch!
Days 3-4. During these days, the amount of the breastmilk you are able to produce will significantly increase. You will also be able to finally tell when your baby is content after a meal. The feedings will also be more frequent as each one would last 10-45 minutes only. Your baby is now ready to gain weight! Naturally, stools will be more frequent too.
These days, your breasts will fell much fuller and heavier too. It begins to feel warm when milk comes in. This is usually a sign to feed your baby. The more often you feed him, the lighter your breasts would feel. It's an amazing teamwork thing!
Day 5. By this day, your baby will breastfeed much better. You can expect to feed him about 8 to 12 times in a day. Allow him to enjoy your milk and burp him whenever necessary! After burping him, offer him your other breast, and then do it all over again until he is full. You will change his diaper more often so make sure you're #BreastfeedingReady with the best diaper brand for you and your baby! Make the best choice for a breastfeeding buddy with Sweet Baby Diapers!